June 17-18 2004
Wrigley Marine Science Center
Catalina Island, California

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Travel Information

For transportation to Two Harbors there are three choices. There will be transportation to San Pedro from USC, leaving at 3:00pm to catch the 5:00pm boat. Just plan to arrive to the Tsunami Research Lab (TRL), inside the USC University Park campus, in Biegler Hall B10. Else, you may want to go directly to the San Pedro, to the Catalina terminal. If you arrive in LA early, you may want to try to take the 12:00noon boat to Two Harbors. If you choose to go directly to the boat dock off LAX, be prepared to pay about $30. A taxi ride to USC off LAX should cost about $24. If you encounter problems, do call Vangie or Leon at USC at 213-740-0603, or the TRL at 213-740-5129. At worst, do try calling Costas's cell at 213 591 2155.

Please be aware that Two Harbors is about 2 hours away off Avalon, the main port of call to Catalina. There is no public transport between Two Harbors and Catalina, and you may have to rent a taxi, there is no private car rental in Catlina, beyond Avalon. This means that even if you rent a small jeep or golf-cart in Avalon you will not be able to drive it to Two Harbors. If you choose to rent a bicycle, an otherwise perfect choice if you only carry a backpack, you will need a bicycle license for Catalina that costs about $100.

Also, please consider that the Wringley Marine Science Center is about 1.5 miles away from the boat landing in Two Harbors. There is a well maintained but unpaved road, so if you arrive on your own without letting us know, you may have to walk, and you may not be able to easily carry even luggage on wheels. The Marine station can arrange transportation at cost, but again we need to plan it. If you join us with the 5:00pm departure off San Pedro, we will make all transport arrangements.

For returning to LA, again there are three choices. You can return on Saturday after 12:00noon directly off Two Harbors. You may want to stay in Two Harbors at the Marine Station, there is capacity for about 20 people to stay in the Lab on Saturday night and leave on Sunday. Or you may want to ride between Two Harbors and Avalon, and spent Saturday night in Avalon, or else depart late Saturday night from Avalon.

Since we will be in Catalina on a summer weekend, advanced planning is a must. Please let us know, whether you plan to arrive on Wednesday at USC by 3:00pm, if you plan to arrive in Two Harbors with the boat departing San Pedro at 12:00pm on Wednesday, and, yes, if you prefer to stay on Saturday night in Two Harbors, or Avalon.

Background / Benchmark Problems / Contact Information (orddganizing committee)
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