Workshop on Tsunami Hydrodynamics in a Large River
Instructions and Some Suggestions to Modelers

The model tsunami used for our simulation is synthesized based on a DOGAMI Cascadia source LLX (98%); hence it is hypothetical.

Figure 1
Figure 1. Domain of the river simulatIon is identified between two red lines. The white line is the boundary to split the problem into two, that is located at (402754.906250 282966.093750) or 123°10'45.6"W 46°10'55.6"N).

Bathymetry and topography data: Note that the data grid is 2 x 2 m: extremely fine so that you may want to create your own grids for your simulations. The data consist of six files, and some ranges of data are overlapped in the adjacent data files. Download data

Figure 2
Figure 2. Integrated bathymetry and topography data. The original data have very fine grid size (2 x 2m).

Initial Condition (t < 0, and prior to tsunami) for the river flow should be computed based on the following conditions:

Boundary Conditions:

Figure 3
Figure 3. Water-surface variation at the river mouth

Common Baseline Outputs – let us compare our results at several locations by plotting the simulated time series of water-surface elevations and velocities at the following locations.

Some Additional Simulations You May Wish to Consider:

For those of you who are having difficulties to identify the bathymetry data, the following are some example locations (X, Y) ⇔ (i, j) base on 4-m grid:
(0, 0)
is set at the upper left corner of the dataset, and i and j represents the row and column numbers.

(497110, 221314) ⇔ (41880, 21729) (433360, 224029) ⇔ (25942, 21050)
(422211, 272317) ⇔ (23155, 8979) (381251, 292633) ⇔ (12915, 3900)
(336717, 292789) ⇔ (1782, 3861) (333110, 294623) ⇔ (880, 3400)