ISEC Community Workshop:
Benchmark Problems

Discussion group about Benchmarks Challenge
Submitting your benchmark solution

Benchmark #1
Benchmark #2

Two benchmark problems have been prepared for this workshop. The first is a simple beach-only setup for which physical data are provided as part of the benchmark information. The second includes an island feature, and is being conducted as a "blind benchmark" (physical data to be collected separately, prior to the workshop).

Benchmark #2

This experiment has a single solitary wave propagating up a triangular shaped shelf with an island feature located at the offshore point of the shelf. Free surface information was recorded via resistance-type wave gauges and sonic wave gages. Velocity information was recorded via ADV's.

For this benchmark, we will compare free surface, velocity, and turbulence information recorded throughout the tank.

A complete description of the data is provided, along with a Matlab script for generating the bathymetry.

Water depth at Wavemaker: 0.78m
Solitary wave height at wavemaker: 0.39m
Bathymetry: Figures below (which includes the bathymetry data) can be plotted in Matlab with the plot_bathy.m script.

Benchmark 2


Free Surface Elevation Measurements
Recorded at y=0 (centerline of basis) at following x-locations: X=7.5m, 13.0m, 21.0 m
Recorded at y=5.0 at following x-locations: X=7.5m, 13.0m, 21.0 m
Recorded at x=25 at following y-locations: Y=0.0 m, 5.0m, 10.0 m

Velocity and Turbulence Measurements
Recorded at x=13m, y=0m, z=0.75 m (3 cm below still water level) Mean and RMS turbulence fluctuations for the three velocity components will be provided.
Recorded at x=21m, y=0m, z=0.77 m (1 cm below still water level) Mean and RMS turbulence fluctuations for the three velocity components will be provided.
Recorded at x=21m, y=-5m, z=0.77 m (1 cm below still water level) Mean and RMS turbulence fluctuations for the three velocity components will be provided.