Benchmark #3 The data files are named as bench3B_t05.txt, bench3B_t10.txt, etc. Included in each data file are four columns of ASCII data: x(m); H(m); ho(m); z(m). The free surface elevations, z, are those predicted by an analytical solution. Agreement with CASE B using any model other than the linear shallow water wave equations may be poor. For more information, please refer to Analytical solutions for forced long waves on a sloping beach by Liu, Lynett and Synolakis (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 478, 101-109, 2003). Data files: Case A: bench3A_t01.txt bench3A_t05.txt bench3A_t10.txt bench3A_t15.txt Case B: bench3B_t05.txt bench3B_t10.txt bench3B_t25.txt bench3B_t45.txt